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Does the June 4, 2019 statement regarding Cuba impact my ability to cruise to Cuba in the future?


Cuba Update - June 5, 2019 at 2:30 pm EST

Effective immediately, the U.S. government has implemented new regulations that prohibits travel from the U.S. to Cuba by cruise ship.  This change requires us to immediately replace all Cuban ports.  For all 2019 sailings on both Majesty of the Seas and Empress of the Seas, we have secured alternative ports and we are in the process of communicating the new itineraries to our guests and travel partners.  For these guests, they will have the option of remaining on their sailing with the new itinerary and receiving a 50% refund or they may cancel their cruise and receive a full refund.

For 2020 sailings on both Majesty and Empress of the Seas, we are working to secure alternative itineraries and expect to be able to communicate to our guests and travel partners within the next week.

We are sorry for this unexpected and sudden change to our guests’ upcoming vacations and appreciate their understanding.

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