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Where is the Port of Auckland?


Princes Wharf
137-147 Quay St
Auckland, 1010, New Zealand

Royal Caribbean Directions to Auckland, New Zealand Cruise Terminal: 

From Auckland Airport - 14 miles (approx 45 mins):

  • Exiting airport, turn left at the first set of traffic lights on to George Bolt Memorial Drive.
  • Continue on that road which runs into the motorway route 20. Exit the motorway at the second off-ramp to the City and Nelson St.
  • Proceed straight through the lights at Nelson St and follow Nelson St to the intersection of Nelson and Sturdee.
  • Turn right into the left lane of Sturdee and at the second Street on the left turn in to Lower Hobson Street.
  • Remain in the left lane and proceed through the next set of lights on to the pier


Parking is not available.


* All rates and prices are subject to change.

** Royal Caribbean is not responsible for theft or damage to vehicles.

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