於 Allure of the Seas (由 巴塞隆拿 起) 的 7 Night Western Mediterranean Cruise, 西班牙 Palma De Mallorca, Spain, La Seu Cathedral
由 巴塞隆拿 起的 7 Night Western Mediterranean Cruise, 西班牙 景點 Palma De Mallorca, Spain; 佛羅倫斯/比薩 (拉斯佩齊亞), 意大利; 羅馬 (奇維塔韋基亞), 意大利; Naples / Capri, Italy; 巴塞隆拿, 西班牙. 發掘我們的遊輪行程,不同種類的房間總有一款滿足你的需要及預算。請選擇目的地及出發港口,開始規劃你下一個遊輪假期。
Royal Caribbean Cruises
最低價: $6277.5 每人 14 可預訂的開航日期
7 Night Western Mediterranean Cruise
探索 Allure of the Seas
天 1 - 巴塞隆拿, 西班牙
天 2 - Palma De Mallorca, Spain
天 3 - 航行中
天 4 - 佛羅倫斯/比薩 (拉斯佩齊亞), 意大利
天 5 - 羅馬 (奇維塔韋基亞), 意大利
天 6 - Naples / Capri, Italy
天 7 - 航行中
天 8 - 巴塞隆拿, 西班牙
Palma De Mallorca, Spain, La Seu Cathedral
La Seu cathedral in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

7 Night Western Mediterranean Cruise

巴塞隆拿, 西班牙
Allure of the Seas
巴塞隆拿, 西班牙
於5:30 PM開出
Palma De Mallorca, Spain
由 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
佛羅倫斯/比薩 (拉斯佩齊亞), 意大利
由 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
羅馬 (奇維塔韋基亞), 意大利
由 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Naples / Capri, Italy
由 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
巴塞隆拿, 西班牙
於 5:00 AM 抵達
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每人平均為 {{overview.numberOfGuests.adults}} 成人, {{overview.numberOfGuests.adults}} 成人, {{overview.numberOfGuests.children}} 兒童 {{overview.numberOfGuests.children}} 兒童
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從以下地方出發的航線: {{ overview.startDate }} (+ {{ additionalDatesCount}} 其他日期)

您的遊輪 Allure of the Seas

Allure of the Seas
Allure of the Seas, Aerial View, Destinations in Honduras, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica
Aerial View of Allure of the Seas With Caribbean Destinations in Honduras, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica
Allure of the Seas
《Mamma Mia!》電影萬眾矚目;攀石牆刺激好玩;泉‧日本料理呈獻鮮美日式滋味—身處獲獎最多的海洋魅麗號上,精彩源源不絕!




日光浴場酒館的美食輕盈又美味;150 中央公園餐廳將經典美式菜餚提升至嶄新層次;你亦可以在泉‧日式餐廳享受一頓遠東盛宴,又或在海岸廚房餐廳盡享終極 VIP 體驗—專為套房賓客和尖峰俱樂部會員而設!


你可以隨百老匯經典音樂劇《Mamma Mia》的 ABBA 經典名作起舞;《藍色星球》讚揚母親大地的偉大,有空中飛人上演驚心動魄的特技;而 Oceanaria 水上表演則會帶你潛入海底;海上劇院的雜技更會為甲板注滿精彩! 

第 1 日: 巴塞隆拿, 西班牙

第 1 日
Spain Barcelona La Sagrada Couple
La Sagrada Couple Walking
於5:30 PM開出
巴塞隆拿是最多遊客到臨的西班牙城市,箇中原因不難明白。巴塞隆拿是西班牙加泰隆尼亞的首府,城中處處可見著名馬賽克磚畫作品,反映它二千多年豐富的文化歷史大雜燴,見證著這裡有著名的陽光海灘,出類拔萃的建築,和世界知名享用美酒佳餚之地。加泰隆尼亞建築大師安東尼高迪的現代主義作品城內處處可見,印記著他的偉大手筆,你亦可去到哥德區 (Gothic Quarter) 各大大小小的廣場欣賞中世紀時代的珍貴建築。走進奎爾公園 (Park Güell) 內造型奇特的園子必令你樂而忘返。有下廚興趣的話,何不參加由廚師主理的加泰隆尼亞菜式烹飪班。瀏覽畢加索和米羅的藝術藏品,或是乘坐纜車到蒙特惠克山 (Montjuïc Hill) 山頂,沿途盡覽城中景色。
Spain Barcelona La Sagrada Familia Interior
La Sagrada Familia Interior Colorful


近距離欣賞加泰隆尼亞建築大師安東尼高迪偉大傑作 — 聖家大教堂。先觀賞使人驚嘆、高聳入雲的教堂尖頂,然後進入教堂內欣賞手藝精致的馬賽克磚畫、蒙特惠克石柱,和描述耶穌誕生的教堂立面。你甚至可以攀上教堂尖頂俯瞰巴塞隆納市無敵靚景。
Spain Barcelona Barceloneta Beach
Barceloneta Beach at Sunset


巴塞隆納港口海濱擁有多達 7 個海灘,地中海海岸線長度超過兩英里,是追求在陽光普照下進行水上歷奇者的理想去處。你可在海傍懶洋洋地靠躺,或是在碧藍海水中扒獨木舟,也可租船出海垂釣,看看有否運氣釣得吞拿魚、劍魚或地中海旗魚。
Barcelona, Spain La Rambla Shops
Street view of La Rambla in Barcelona, Spain, with shops lining the street


沿著蘭布拉大道 (La Rambla) 步行街漫步,感受巴塞隆拿真正氛圍。紀念品店、街頭藝術家、賣花小攤檔、小巷咖啡廳,以及加泰隆尼亞傳統民族舞蹈表演者,讓你融入生趣滿溢的景致之中。這景色的焦點所在便是於 13 世紀興建的巴塞隆納主教座堂 (La Catedral) 和塔樓,讓你感覺中世紀的巴塞隆納就在眼前。
Spain Barcelona Sparkling Cava Wine
Couple Enjoying the Local Sparkling Cava Wine


巴塞隆納掌握食的藝術已達巔峰。很多餐廳均供應新款西班牙菜式,而海傍周圍不少店子亦供應西班牙海鮮飯,多道菜的午餐更包西班牙汽酒。要試試加泰隆尼亞菜式的話,不妨點 pa amb tomàquet (上面鋪著番茄的特色麪包)。也可像本地人一樣在小食吧周圍坐著,逐一品嚐地道西班牙塔帕斯小食 (tapas,即開胃前菜),手中切勿忘記拿著一杯店內自製的苦艾酒。
Spain Barcelona Local Fresh Market Shopping
Couple Strolling Through the Fresh Local Market


在巴塞隆納的多個市集閒逛,高質素的皮製衣物、首飾、二手書刊,和獨特的家庭用品等定必使你流連忘返。格拉西亞大道 (Passeig de Gràcia) 和巴塞隆納購物大道是兩條極受歡迎的購物街,而哥德區 (Gothic Quarter) 則有數十間家庭式商店,出售紡織品、文具、裝飾用瓷磚,及陶製廚房用品。

第 2 日: Palma De Mallorca, Spain

第 2 日
Palma De Mallorca
Palma De Mallorca, Spain, Cityscape
The Palma de Mallorca, Spain cityscape with La Seu cathedral towering over the city
Palma De Mallorca
由 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
The Spanish island of Mallorca offers towering mountains and dramatic cliffs rising over clear, blue water — but its hidden gem is Palma de Mallorca, the island's capital and largest city, where you'll find quaint historic streets, Gothic castles and gastronomic delights. Cruise to Palma de Mallorca and check out one-of-a-kind Palma Cathedral: The 14th-century Gothic spires of exterior contrast the modernist interior designed by in the early 1900s by Gaudi. See the circular courtyard and Arab-inspired arches of Castell de Bellver, and take in the fresh scent of the miles of pine forest that surround it. Or rent bikes and pedal east to Palma Beach, where you can soak in the sun on the white sands and clear waves.
Palma De Mallorca, Spain, La Seu Cathedral and Almudaina castle
La Seu cathedral and Almudaina castle

Castles and Cathedrals

Palma de Mallorca's historic places look like something out of "Game of Thrones." Whether you traipse through the courtyard of 14th-century Bellver Castle or say your prayers inside Gothic Palma Cathedral, Palma de Mallorca can transport you back to medieval times. Your can also see the city's unique Arab influence dating back to the 10th-century Moorish conquest at spots like the Arab Baths.
Insider tip
If you're more interested in ocean time than historic sites, book a boat tour to see the coastline of Mallorca from the sunlit waves.
Palma De Mallorca, Spain, Cala Llombards beach
People enjoying Cala Llombards beach in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Get Your Beach On

It's no surprise that Palma de Mallorca is home to some of the world's best beaches — what's astonishing is just how clear blue the water is at Cala Llombards, or how the warm, golden sands of Playa El Arenal will make you wish you never had to leave. No wonder so many red and yellow umbrellas dot the sands here.
Insider tip
Hours of operation for the Palma cathedral vary by season so be sure to check before you arrive.
Palma De Mallorca, Spain, Cuevas del Drach
The Cuevas del Drach in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Explore a Dragon's Lair

Head to Porto Cristo on the east side of the island, where you'll find the Cuevas del Drach — the dragon caves. While no actual dragons have been spotted here, the stalactites and stalagmites of this ancient underground cave make it easy to imagine. You can even take a violin-serenaded boat ride on the cave's underground lake during your cruise.
Palma De Mallorca, Spain, Tombet dish
A bowl of tombet, a traditional vegetable dish

Local Cuisine

Mallorca is technically part of Spain, but Palma de Mallorca's cuisine is a world unto itself. Savor tombet, a vegetarian stew with sweet potatoes and carrots that's Mallorca's take on ratatouille. Cruise to Palma de Mallorca to sample the eclectic coca mallorquina, a kind of crunchy flatbread pizza with an olive oil-rich crust topped with roasted red peppers.
Palma De Mallorca, Spain, Straw bag market
A straw bag market in Palma de Mallorca, Spain


Palma's premier shopping is to be had in the Passeig de Born neighborhood. Shop here for upscale brands like Mulberry and Zara. Then, head to Jaume III and Sant Miquel streets for boutiques specializing in fine local goods: Choose a necklace or earrings made with world-famous Mallorcan pearls, try on a pair of handmaid Menorquina sandals, or marvel at handicrafts like colorful pottery and traditional straw bags.

第 3 日: 航行中

第 3 日
Girl Conquering the Rock Climbing Wall
Girl Conquering the Rock Climbing Wall
Boy Playing on the Mini Golf
Boy Learning How to Play Mini Golf on Symphony of the Seas


Parents Skating with their Daughter
Family Enjoying the Onboard Ice Skating Rink


Woman Enjoying the Boardwalk View on the Zipline
Woman Enjoying the Boardwalk View on the Zipline


綁好安全帶,在 9 層甲板之上以鋼索飛行飛越百達匯®上空。記著:不要向下望。
Man Receiving Massage
Man Receiving Massage at Vitality Spa


休憩場所極盡奢華,為你各種特色護理療程、Medi 水療服務和全方位美容服務,讓你由內到外散發耀眼光茫。查看我們的水療菜單,了解價格詳情。

第 4 日: 佛羅倫斯/比薩, 意大利

第 4 日
拉斯佩齊亞, 意大利
Florence - Pisa, Italy Aerial View
Aerial view of Florence, Italy
由 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
意大利北部港口城市 — 拉斯佩齊亞,位於利古里亞和托斯卡納的邊界,是通往該國兩個最著名城市的出入口:比薩和佛羅倫斯乘坐汽車或火車只需一小時便可抵達比薩,你可以在那裡看到著名的比薩斜塔及其姐妹結構的比薩大教堂白石拱門。又或者選擇在佛羅倫斯度過一天,乘火車大約需要兩小時:登上著名的 Duomo (「圓頂」) 頂部,這是意大利哥德式聖母百花大教堂的暱稱,擁有著 360 度的全景。前往佛羅倫斯,在聖洛倫索 (San Lorenzo) 市場漫步,手持咖啡,在觀看人們的同時品嚐當地的香料和松露。
Florence - Pisa, Italy Marble Statue
A marble statue with the Leaning Tower of Pisa in the background


前往比薩的奇蹟廣場,爬上 251 級樓梯到比薩斜塔或鐘樓的頂點。這座 56 米高的塔樓耗時近 200 年才建造完成,但它在 1372 年揭幕時已經出現傾斜情況。最多訪客人數為 45 人。提前在線上預訂,以預留位置 — 那裡有許多遊客蜂擁而至。
Insider tip
Florence - Pisa, Italy Duomo Close Up
Close up of the Duomo Santa Maria Del Fiore toweing over Florence, Italy


在佛羅倫斯,你不能錯過常被稱為「圓頂」的聖母百花大教堂,這個別名源自紅色瓷磚圓的屋頂或拱頂。「圓頂」的粉紅色﹑白色和綠色大理石外牆是這座城市最具代表性的地標,歷史可追溯至 1296 年,記得一定要拍照留念。走進去欣賞 44 塊彩色玻璃窗和瓦薩里的最後審判壁畫。
Insider tip
Florence - Pisa, Italy Uffizi Gallery
The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy


Florence - Pisa, Italy Fettuccine Pasta
Fettuccine pasta served in a white bowl


托斯卡納擁有自己獨特的美食和意大利粉。品嚐新鮮的羊奶芝士 (pecorino)意大利麵配意大利乳清芝士和菠菜 (fazzoletti)寬麵條 (papardelle)蔬菜通心粉的變奏 (ribollita)白菜湯 (zuppa di cavolo)。甜品方面,不妨品嚐無花果蛋糕 (pan ficato)帶堅果的栗子麵粉蛋糕 (castagnaccio)
Florence - Pisa, Italy Leather bags
Leather bags for sale in Florence, Italy


可以在佛羅倫斯的老橋購買紀念品和珠寶首飾。中央市場是當地人最愛購物食品的地方。乘遊輪到佛羅倫斯,你可以在 Enoteca Obsequium 葡萄酒庫購買或品嚐葡萄酒和松露。你亦可以到 La Bottega dell'Olio,購買最好的橄欖油﹑大盤子和肥皂。若要在比薩購買意大利時裝,你可以在 Borgo Stretto 買到奢侈品,或在 Corso Italia 購買實惠的皮包和鞋子。

第 5 日: 羅馬, 意大利

第 5 日
奇維塔韋基亞, 意大利
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy Colosseum
View of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy
由 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
羅馬擁有 28 個世紀的歷史,為遊客提供無可比擬的歷奇冒險之旅。這座曾為世上最大帝國的城市今天依然充滿活力,將年代久遠的遺跡、世界知名的藝術和充滿生氣的街頭文化融於一身。在這裡,你可一嘗意式美好生活——重溫古羅馬的輝煌歲月,同時在意大利小餐館裡品嚐意粉。你亦可乘著名叫 Ape Calessino 的三輪車欣賞有百年歷史的大教堂,或博爾蓋塞別墅 (Villa Borghese) 一睹出自意大利大師之手的傑作。無論是梵蒂岡城 (Vatican City) 的宗教魅力,還是特拉斯提弗列 (Trastevere) 的後街風情,還是羅馬鬥獸場 (Colosseum) 的迷人歷史,這個永恆之城都可為你提供無盡的歷險之旅。
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy Pantheon
The Pantheon in Rome, Italy


不妨漫步走過古羅馬的心臟地帶。你可從鬥獸場 (Colosseum) 開始探索,了解這個曾供角鬥士奮勇戰鬥的巨型競技場。之後到羅馬廣場 (Roman Forum) 遺跡走一圈,順道看看多個神廟和大教堂遺跡。最後可看看皇帝曾居住的帕拉丁山 (Palatine Hill),並近距離欣賞擁有 2000 年歷史、保存完好的萬神殿 (Pantheon) 教堂。
Insider tip
奇維塔韋基亞和羅馬之間的火車,單程大約需要 80 分鐘。
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy Piazza Navona
A fountain in Piazza Navona in Italy


不妨漫步探索每個羅馬廣場,了解各自的特色。你亦可在納沃納廣場 (Piazza Navona) 享受戶外用餐,並到西班牙廣場 (Piazza di Spagna) 登上西班牙台階 (Spanish Steps)。來到熱鬧的特拉斯提弗列 (Trastevere),一定要漫步於鵝卵石小巷中;之後再到坎波菲奧里 (Campo de’ Fiori),看看手工藝攤位。記得投幣進特雷維噴泉 (Trevi Fountai),祈求願望成真。
Insider tip
參觀羅馬的宗教場所時,需要穿著保守的服裝 (不能為背心或短褲) 。
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy, Statues
Statues in the Vatican Museum


你可先到梵蒂岡博物館 (Vatican Museums) 欣賞非凡的掛毯和古典雕像藏品。之後走進西斯廷教堂 (Sistine Chapel),一睹米高安哲羅的天花板壁畫。接著步入聖彼得大教堂 (St. Peter’s Basilica) 這座世上數一數二大的教堂,觀賞其高聳的巨型圓頂。
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy, Pizza and pasta
Pizza, pasta, and antipasta on a table in Rome


羅馬人以食為天,無論是家庭式餐館,還是路邊咖啡廳,他們都一樣喜愛。要一嚐正宗的羅馬菜,可試試名叫紅燒雅枝竹 (carciofi alla Romana) 或卡邦拿意粉 (spaghetti alla carbonar)。不可不吃的還有有餡意大利三文治 (panino) 及薄脆皮羅馬式薄餅。意式雪糕 (gelato) 是甜品的不二之選,嗜甜的朋友一定會喜歡。最後喝杯來自拉齊奧 (Lazio) 地區的白酒作結,為整天劃上完美的句號。
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy, Colosseum Vatican Models
Minitature models of the Colosseum and Vatican


要選購最佳的紀念品,城內四處都有的路邊攤是你的不二之選。孔多蒂街 (Via Condotti) 設有一系列意大利高級時裝店。沿著瑪爾古塔街 (Via Margutta),可找到多間藝術家工作室;來到蒙蒂 (Monti) 區,則可見眾多的獨立藝術品零售商。波特塞門 (Porta Portese) 是城內最大的跳蚤市場,而 La Rinascente 則是城內第一間百貨公司,均不容錯過。

第 6 日: Naples / Capri, Italy

第 6 日
Naples / Capri
Naples - Capri, Italy, Aerial View
An aerial view of Capri
Naples / Capri
由 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
With a skyline defined by towering Mount Vesuvis, Naples is a bustling Italian city brimming with beauty. Experience its rich neoclassical architecture at sites like Gesu Nuovo Church, with its lavish interior adorned with detailed frescoes, statues and gold inlay. Go even deeper into history at the San Gennaro catacombs, where Naples' first bishops were buried in the second century A.D. Walk along the Miglio Sacro ("Holy Mile") and people-watch your way through the cafes and shops of the Sanita district with a zuccherato (sweetened espresso) in hand. Jump onboard a Naples cruise and take the short bus ride to the base of Mount Vesuvius — it's an easy 20- to 30-minute hike will take you to the summit — and tour the ruins of Pompeii afterward.
Naples - Capri, Italy, Catacombs of San Gennaro
The Catacombs of San Gennaro in Italy

Go Underground

Interested in getting up close and personal with Naples' past residents? Head underground to visit the Catacombs of San Gennaro. These historic burial places are the oldest in the city and the largest in all of Southern Italy. Spend some time wandering around the different rooms to see how the rooms where the wealthy and poor were buried.
Insider tip
You won't be able to visit the Catacombs of San Gennaro without a guided tour, so be sure to book yours well in advanced.
Naples - Capri, Italy, Gesu Nuovo interior
The interior of the Gesu Nuovo in Italy

Church Bells Ring

Naples' churches are a great way to tour its architectural treasures, and most of them are concentrated in the old town center. Check out San Domenico Maggiore, with its impressive gold-gilded ceiling and interior. Inside Sansevero Chapel, you'll find a number of impressive Baroque statues and classical art. And don't miss the beautiful frescoes and peaceful vibe of Gesu Nuovo Church during your Capri cruise.
Insider tip
Wear comfortable shoes; you'll be doing a lot of walking over cobblestones while in the city.
Naples - Capri, Italy, Margherita pizza
A margherita pizza in Naples, Italy

Local Cuisine

Neopolitan-style pizza is Naples culinary gem. Grab a seat at L'Antica Pizzeria da Michele, which has been serving up pizza since 1870, and order a slice of simple, classic margherita, topped with fresh basil, tomato sauce and local mozzarella di fiore. Cruise to Naples and head to Friggitoria Vomero for the town's best arancini — gooey, fried spheres of rice and cheese — or panzarotti, a mini-calzone stuffed with mozzarella, tomato and other ingredients like spinach or ham.
Naples - Capri, Italy, Traditional pots
Traditional pots at a shop in Italy


Head to Via Toledo, the longest shopping street in Naples, which offers small boutiques and a huge department store. Continue down the road to Galleria Umberto I, a beautiful shopping gallery for some high-end souvenirs such as silk scarves and leather shoes to take back home.

第 7 日: 航行中

第 7 日
Park Cafe A Woman Holding a Sandwich
A Woman Holding a Sandwich at Park Cafe on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship
Greek Meze, Coastal Kitchen
Greek Meze, Coastal Kitchen


Chefs Table - Dining Room
Welcoming dining room with special dishes & spectacular wines. Fine dining at the best vacation cruise restaurant Chefs Table


歡迎來到主廚餐廳,享受船隊中最頂級且獨特的餐飲體驗。你可以參加由遊輪廚師長所帶領的私人美食之旅,與一群嘴刁的親朋好友品嚐美食。好好在佈了白布的餐桌前安坐,享用美味的晚餐 — 主打的五道精緻菜式,例如是意式柚子香醋扇貝薄片,以至佐以松露薯蓉的烤菲力牛扒,都能令你垂涎;再配以精心搭配的完美葡萄酒,更加突出了餐單上的每種風味。
Johnny Rockets Burgers, Hot Dogs, Salads and Milkshakes
Johnny Rockets Burgers, Hot Dogs, Salads and Milkshakes


尊尼火箭自 1986 年以來供應漢堡、奶昔和薯條,讓客人感受這裡的復古格調和有趣氛圍。歡迎齊享遊輪樂趣,放鬆身心盡享美食及美好時光。
Antipasti Appetizer Giovannis Table
Italian salami, prosciutto, roasted peppers, olives & Gambonzola cheese. Best cruise dining at Giovanni's Table restaurant.



第 8 日: 巴塞隆拿, 西班牙

第 8 日
Barcelona, Spain Park Guell
View of the city from Park Guell in Barcelona, Spain
於 5:00 AM 抵達
巴塞隆拿是最多遊客到臨的西班牙城市,箇中原因不難明白。巴塞隆拿是西班牙加泰隆尼亞的首府,城中處處可見著名馬賽克磚畫作品,反映它二千多年豐富的文化歷史大雜燴,見證著這裡有著名的陽光海灘,出類拔萃的建築,和世界知名享用美酒佳餚之地。加泰隆尼亞建築大師安東尼高迪的現代主義作品城內處處可見,印記著他的偉大手筆,你亦可去到哥德區 (Gothic Quarter) 各大大小小的廣場欣賞中世紀時代的珍貴建築。走進奎爾公園 (Park Güell) 內造型奇特的園子必令你樂而忘返。有下廚興趣的話,何不參加由廚師主理的加泰隆尼亞菜式烹飪班。瀏覽畢加索和米羅的藝術藏品,或是乘坐纜車到蒙特惠克山 (Montjuïc Hill) 山頂,沿途盡覽城中景色。
Spain Barcelona La Sagrada Familia Interior
La Sagrada Familia Interior Colorful


近距離欣賞加泰隆尼亞建築大師安東尼高迪偉大傑作 — 聖家大教堂。先觀賞使人驚嘆、高聳入雲的教堂尖頂,然後進入教堂內欣賞手藝精致的馬賽克磚畫、蒙特惠克石柱,和描述耶穌誕生的教堂立面。你甚至可以攀上教堂尖頂俯瞰巴塞隆納市無敵靚景。
Spain Barcelona Barceloneta Beach
Barceloneta Beach at Sunset


巴塞隆納港口海濱擁有多達 7 個海灘,地中海海岸線長度超過兩英里,是追求在陽光普照下進行水上歷奇者的理想去處。你可在海傍懶洋洋地靠躺,或是在碧藍海水中扒獨木舟,也可租船出海垂釣,看看有否運氣釣得吞拿魚、劍魚或地中海旗魚。
Barcelona, Spain La Rambla Shops
Street view of La Rambla in Barcelona, Spain, with shops lining the street


沿著蘭布拉大道 (La Rambla) 步行街漫步,感受巴塞隆拿真正氛圍。紀念品店、街頭藝術家、賣花小攤檔、小巷咖啡廳,以及加泰隆尼亞傳統民族舞蹈表演者,讓你融入生趣滿溢的景致之中。這景色的焦點所在便是於 13 世紀興建的巴塞隆納主教座堂 (La Catedral) 和塔樓,讓你感覺中世紀的巴塞隆納就在眼前。
Spain Barcelona Sparkling Cava Wine
Couple Enjoying the Local Sparkling Cava Wine


巴塞隆納掌握食的藝術已達巔峰。很多餐廳均供應新款西班牙菜式,而海傍周圍不少店子亦供應西班牙海鮮飯,多道菜的午餐更包西班牙汽酒。要試試加泰隆尼亞菜式的話,不妨點 pa amb tomàquet (上面鋪著番茄的特色麪包)。也可像本地人一樣在小食吧周圍坐著,逐一品嚐地道西班牙塔帕斯小食 (tapas,即開胃前菜),手中切勿忘記拿著一杯店內自製的苦艾酒。
Spain Barcelona Local Fresh Market Shopping
Couple Strolling Through the Fresh Local Market


在巴塞隆納的多個市集閒逛,高質素的皮製衣物、首飾、二手書刊,和獨特的家庭用品等定必使你流連忘返。格拉西亞大道 (Passeig de Gràcia) 和巴塞隆納購物大道是兩條極受歡迎的購物街,而哥德區 (Gothic Quarter) 則有數十間家庭式商店,出售紡織品、文具、裝飾用瓷磚,及陶製廚房用品。
