What is a Virtual Balcony?


A Virtual Balcony is an 80-inch high-definition screen inside interior staterooms that spans nearly floor to ceiling. For the first time ever, you can enjoy real-time views of the ocean and destinations from the comfort of your interior stateroom. The Virtual Balcony staterooms will be as true to life as a real balcony view as possible. As such, there will be times (such as in port) when guests looking out a balcony will have their view obstructed by a building, for example.

Guests will have the option of having the screen either on or off.

Virtual Balconies are only available in select* interior staterooms on Anthem of the Seas®, Explorer of the Seas®, Harmony of the Seas®, Navigator of the Seas®, Odyssey of the Seas®, Ovation of the Seas®, Quantum of the Seas®, Spectrum of the Seas®, Symphony of the Seas®, Utopia of the SeasSM, Voyager of the Seas®, and Wonder of the Seas®.

*Please note, not every interior stateroom has a Virtual Balcony. 

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