What is a muster drill (safety briefing) on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship?


A muster drill is a mandatory safety exercise with the objective to familiarize all guests and crew with the location (muster station) where they are to assemble in the unlikely event of an emergency, as well as additional safety information.

The assembly muster drill is an international (SOLAS) requirement that is enforced by the  Coast Guard, as well as all other port state authorities, depending on the Port. Current legal requirements for conducting a muster of passengers are found in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and mandate that a muster for embarking passengers occur before departure, or after departure from port. We have identified a best practice that calls for conducting the mandatory muster drill for all* embarking passengers (even if they have sailed previously) prior to departure from port**.

There are three parts to completing your mandatory safety drill. The first two can be completed in the royal app or on your stateroom TV before you visit your assigned muster station at the set time.

1. Watch the life jacket instructions video.

2. Listen to the emergency horn.

3. Visit your muster station which is listed in the app or on your Seapass card. A crew member will verify you’ve completed both steps and complete your drill or will help you to complete all the steps.

Announcements and content for the guest assembly drill are made in English, or the official language of the vessel. The announcements are made in additional core languages when we have large numbers of guests onboard who do not speak English. On some sailings, announcements may be made in the language of the market, then followed by English and any other approved core language(s).


*If you have a medical or other condition that impacts your ability to complete your mandatory safety drill, let our crewmembers know and they will arrange for you to comply in the best possible way.
**On occasions when guests arrive after the muster has been completed, they will be promptly provided with individual or group safety briefings that meet the requirements for musters applicable under SOLAS. This practice exceeds existing legal requirements and ensures that any mandatory musters or briefings are conducted for the benefit of all newly embarked passengers at the earliest practical opportunity.

Learn more about Safety & Security onboard a Royal Caribbean Cruise.

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